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Our assessments are a crucial factor for optimal wind turbine performance

Your wind turbine requires numerous technical assessments that result from standards, guidelines and contracts. After the inspection, we summarize the results in a report clearly presenting all important legal and technical information. 

Our services in the accredited area include technical assessments during the entire life cycle of your wind turbine: 

  • Inspections prior to commissioning
  • End of warranty inspections
  • Periodic inspections
  • Takeover inspections
  • Re-insurability inspections
  • “Client Rep”
  • QA/QC inspections
  • Lifetime extension assessments after design life of 20 years

Number of technical assessments by turbine type: 


Your contact person

Yilmaz Bingol
US VP of Business Development

Your contact person – we look forward to hearing from you!

Yilmaz Bingol
US VP of Business Development

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