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The foundation of your offshore wind turbine forms the crucial basis for safe operation, regardless of whether it is a monopile, transition piece, jacket, tripod or floating structure. The significant wear and tear caused by currents and waves, movements in the seabed, floating objects, the particularly oxygen-rich surface water and solar radiation all mean that these components require special maintenance. Using special assessment procedures and repair techniques both above and below water, our service teams ensure the stability of your offshore structures and their accessibility, so that you can operate your wind turbine profitably and safely in accordance with legal requirements and, if possible, beyond the design life of 20 years.
Our (full-service) services at a glance:
The stability of your turbine is based on a well thought-out maintenance strategy that takes the geographical and technical conditions of the wind farm into account. In addition to regular maintenance measures, we also offer fault elimination and troubleshooting on short notice, for example if there is a fault in the crane system. Our deployments and the remedial measures we carry out ensure uninterrupted access to your turbine. The transparency of our work is important to us. We see things from your point of view as the operator and provide consultation on the impact of each maintenance measure. In short, we translate maintenance into long-term efficient solutions for you.
Our regularly trained service teams are backed up by our own engineers and experts from a wide range of specialist areas, sometimes directly at the installation site. Wherever it makes sense, we have built up a logistical network of resources based on partnerships that allow us to coordinate the entire process chain. These capabilities ensure that necessary work on your foundation structures can be carried out quickly and thoroughly.
Implementing active electrical corrosion protection from the very beginning of operation is essential for ensuring the long-term stability of the offshore wind turbine as well as to fulfil official requirements. This is particularly important in salt water, where simple protection using paints or other coatings is not enough. An active protection system consists of one or more reference electrodes and several anodes, all of which are actively powered. The electrical underwater protection potential is measured using reference cells. The data obtained is used for control purposes to provide the required power to the anodes. The resulting impressed current prevents the corrosion process from occurring. These state-of-the-art systems ensure real-time monitoring. A correctly installed, operated and maintained active corrosion protection system minimizes changes in the surface structure in relation to the dynamic load, and this protects the foundation structure over its entire service life.
We can install all components of the corrosion protection system for you and provide maintenance, 24/7 monitoring as well as the data-based reports that need to be submitted to the approval authority. In addition, our integrative project management covers wind farm-specific deployment planning, including logistics, transport and access control. This comprehensive approach enables us to focus on your point of view. We work together with you closely to implement a fast, effective and cost-optimized strategy. Our in-house experts and authorized personnel gain comprehensive system expertise through targeted training on ICCP systems (Impressed Current Cathodic Protection), which are provided by Deutsche Windtechnik's long-standing partner CORROSION. We can provide the environmentally friendly corrosion protection system for you as part of a maintenance contract or as an individual service.
For more information on underwater work, visit our website at subsea services.