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Your offshore substation needs more than service

The substation is crucial for the efficient operations of your offshore wind farm. It uses transformers to ramp up the voltage of the electricity that is generated. This ensures that the electricity can be transmitted over long distances to the mainland with minimal loss. If your offshore substation goes offline, none of the wind turbines connected to it will be able to deliver any electricity. We understand the financial consequences of this type of failure and make a point of providing maintenance for your substation that goes beyond mere service.  

Our main services include: 

  • Technical management including remote monitoring 
  • Evaluation of the operating data and availability calculation 
  • Securing warranty claims 
  • Creation and implementation of a maintenance strategy that includes common service tasks 
  • Maintenance of the primary and secondary technology as well as auxiliary system 


  • Documentation including maintenance books and checklists 
  • Work preparation and follow-up including spare parts and tool management 
  • Consulting, audits and expert opinions 
  • Planning and support during commissioning 
  • Optimization and retrofitting measures 


Inquire about substation services now 

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