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We ensure the reliable operation of your wind turbines

As an independent maintenance provider, we have comprehensive expertise in system technology: whether it is an entire wind turbine, substation or the smallest electronic component.

Our main services include: 

  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Inspection, repairs, improvements
  • Monitoring, analysis, evaluation
  • Increased performance, increased availability, reduced wear and tear
  • Spare parts management


Get in touch to learn more

We are multi-brand specialists for the following wind turbines globally


2.264 WTG
3.520 MW


1.372 WTG
2.796 MW


245 WTG
490 MW


1.090 WTG
2.423 MW


323 WTG
551 MW


75 WTG
106 MW


932 WTG
1.841 MW


443 WTG
672 MW


868 WTG
952 MW


Do you operate multiple turbine technologies? We have a wealth of multi-brand expertise and experience, and we would be happy to work together with you to develop an optimal maintenance concept for your wind energy project.

Together we can develop a suitable service strategy


As an investor, are you looking for investment opportunities? As an operator and utility company, are you striving for efficient business models? Having the right maintenance concept is becoming increasingly important to ensure profitable turbine operation.

Which parameters are included in an optimal service concept? 

  • Turbine technology
  • Portfolio size
  • Life cycle of wind turbines
  • Risk assessment
  • Your requirements and goals
  • Your own competencies

These are just some of the variables that determine the right amount of maintenance in the desired quality. Let's analyze your parameters and develop an optimal service strategy together! 


Service and maintenance

Overview of further services

Your contact person

Yilmaz Bingol
US VP of Business Development

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Yilmaz Bingol
US VP of Business Development

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