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We offer you a real alternative to new parts

Control, guidance and monitoring systems as well as access to individual components and to the entire wind turbine are mainly managed by electronic systems today. With advanced technical development, the expansion of functions, increasing complexity and digitalization, the control electronics has become the centralized brain of the system and, to a large extent, the central access point for the turbine. 

As specialists in the repair of control electronics, we offer you an economical and reliable alternative to new parts with our refurbished electronic assemblies and in-house developments. 

Our main services include: 

  • General overhaul and improvement of electronic assemblies in accordance with industrial standards
  • After repair, each assembly is tested in a simulation environment under realistic conditions
  • Two-year warranty on most refurbished assemblies
  • Supply of electronic spare parts as part of full maintenance contracts
  • Sales through our specialized spare parts department


Get in touch

In-house developments as an independent alternative

Repairing and replacing control units can often be difficult, especially in older turbines. Some of the manufacturers of the turbines or subsystems have gone out of business or no longer have any solutions available. For this reason we have specialized in maintenance for components and the development of new solutions.  

In addition to the control electronics, we also take care of various components and assemblies of the power electronics. This includes the components that are directly related to the generation or conversion of electrical energy, such as converters, IGBTs and others. 

In order to ensure the traceability and documentation as well as to eliminate sources of error, we pay particular attention to quality and project management. There are numerous test stands for newly built or repaired technologies. 


Current product developed in-house

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Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!
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