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As an ISP, it’s essential to keep our team up to date on occupational safety and system technologies. During onboarding of our team members, we identify their skillset and customize their training program accordingly to ensure quality as well as continuous career development to continue to grow with the organization.
In an industry where technical training and safety training are paramount to success, we have designed and implemented a unique 3-step training process to cultivate mastery in the field. This process utilizes classroom training, custom platform-specific e-Learning modules, and physical turbine training to produce competent and safe technicians and provide exceptional services.
To ensure continued success of our technicians, we have curated a group of highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals within the Operations team to provide timely, platform-specific training at any time on any project. This team of technicians have had to demonstrate exceptional technical and communication skills through completion of a rigorous and comprehensive trainer program to help transfer knowledge to our technicians in the field.
To provide the most comprehensive training related to the operations & maintenance of the turbines, as well as their specific hazards, we have generated custom e-Learning modules using instructional design software that prepares the technicians for the field training component of our learning process.