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Our team has surpassed 2,300 employees globally and we are continuously growing. This momentum gives our company diversity and expertise, and makes us the world’s largest independent service provider for wind turbines. Become a part of our team and join us on this exciting journey!
Job offers
Onshore and offshore service
Here you will find jobs in the area of wind turbine service.
Job offers
Administration, Customer Service, Technology and IT
There are also many exciting back-office jobs available.
Job offers
Training and study
Begin your career with us! Many opportunities are open to you.
YouTube Video
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How does it feel to work at Deutsche Windtechnik? What makes us who we are? ...
YouTube Video
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Björn is a #ServiceTechnician who services and repairs #wind turbines. To do this, he not only needs to be able to work at heights without…
YouTube Video
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Deutsche Windtechnik is a highly specialised international service provider for #wind turbines and substations. #Onshore and #offshore. We…