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A pilot's fascination with complex technology

Mark Youhill is a service technician and specialist for Senvion technology at Deutsche Windtechnik in Goole. He is an enthusiastic pilot and tells us about the similarities between aviation and the wind industry, his fascination for complex operational systems and the Above & Beyond Award.

Mark Youhill, service technician in the UK, received the Above & Beyond Award from Michael Cameron (Regional Operations Manager). (Photo: Deutsche Windtechnik)

Mark, you had already worked in the wind industry before joining the Deutsche Windtechnik team in the UK. What were your main reasons for applying as a service technician for Senvion technology?  

I was a travelling technician and had done maintenance for wind turbines on multiple platforms, including Vestas and Nordex, all over the UK. Being a young dad, I wanted to have the chance to be at home at least in the mornings and the evenings. So for me it is a great advantage that my deployments are only regional. In addition, receiving training for Senvion wind turbines was an opportunity to increase my expertise, and further technologies may be added to that in the future. This step enabled me to combine my technical curiosity with my everyday family life. 

You have worked in the wind industry for several years now: Can you highlight one best moment in your ongoing career in wind energy?  

To be honest, I can't point to one particular moment. I am very impressed by the complexity of a wind farm. It is not only the technology inside of the wind turbines that fascinates me but also the many processes that are part of turning the kinetic energy of wind into electricity. That’s really impressive. And often a problem in a very small component of the technology of a wind turbine can cause the entire process to fail. When my team and I find a solution and fix the problem, I get to see the whole process running smoothly again, and that’s a very satisfying moment for me. 

Some say the best thing is the view from the top of a wind turbine. Others say it's scary. Has working at heights ever been a problem for you?  

No (laughing). I earned my private pilot's licence some years ago and fly planes from time to time, so heights are not really a problem for me. On the contrary, I have a passion for it and initially worked in the aviation industry, as did my father, my grandfather and even my great-grandfather. But sadly, the aircraft type that I was specialised in, the Tucano, has been retired due to structural fatigue, so I took that as an opportunity to look for a new challenge. I became interested in the wind industry because there are similarities with the aircraft industry, and renewable energies in general are becoming more and more important. 

That's interesting. Can you tell us about the similarities between the two industries?  

The technologies of aircraft and wind turbines both include large components, but they also comprise very small, sensitive systems. You have to make sure to adapt your work methods depending on what you are working with. Also, both technologies require special tools that are not usually part of a technician's standard tool box. And ultimately, health and safety are very important in both industries. All technicians must be trained for their very special tasks and to ensure they can work safely at heights, but also when it comes to electrical systems and tooling. It's important to note that safety is always a matter of team work. 

You received the company's Above & Beyond Award in spring. What was the reason?  

I was driving home from work in the evening when suddenly I saw a serious accident on the road just in front of me. So I did what hopefully anyone would do: I provided first aid to the people injured at the scene. It was very fortunate for the passengers involved that I was driving one of our service vans. They are all equipped with a fairly extensive first aid kit, including a defibrillator and trauma kit. It was also helpful that I receive first aid training on a regular basis. I did not have to think about the whole process very much because my instincts and training took over. 

Thank you for the interview.

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Marie Christine Anfinnsen
Marketing Coordinator

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