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Training kicks off in 2023 at Deutsche Windtechnik!

At Deutsche Windtechnik, we offer a range of exciting vocational training programmes in a future-oriented industry. We were once again delighted this year to welcome a total of fifty-two new trainees and dual students, who began their careers in the wind industry on 1 August and 1 September with us. One thing makes us particularly proud: We are training more young people than ever before this year. We see a huge difference compared to recent years, particularly in the field of mechatronics, and this is largely due to our training cooperations with the training workshops of Deutsche Bahn AG and Arcelor Mittal.

Vocational training for office management, warehouse logistics and dual studies takes off

Eleven trainees in the areas of office management and warehouse logistics as well as three dual students in the areas of business administration and mechatronics joined us on 1 August in Bremen, Osnabrück, Ostenfeld and Büdelsdorf. During their first week, they were shown our headquarters in Bremen, our Training Centers in Bremen and Viöl, our warehouse in Büdelsdorf and much more. "The first few days were very interesting," said Alina and Julia, trainees for office management at the Osnabrück location. "Everyone who works here is always friendly and takes time to answer any questions we have, so we felt welcome very quickly." Opting for a vocational training programme at Deutsche Windtechnik was not a hard decision for the new trainees. They immediately noticed the friendly working environment. "In addition, we felt encouraged to develop on a personal level." Zafer, a trainee for warehouse logistics in Büdelsdorf, also felt very welcome: "Our first weeks were very interesting, and we received a lot of new information. I get along great with my workmates, and I already feel like I'm part of the team."

Training in general mechatronics and precision mechatronics kicks off

Our new mechatronics trainees also finally started their educational programme on 1 September. Thirty-eight trainees in the field of mechatronics and one in the field of precision mechatronics took their first big step into the world of work at Deutsche Windtechnik. Fourteen of our mechatronics trainees are receiving their education as part of our cooperation with Deutsche Bahn and Arcelor Mittal in Bremen, which was initiated this year. You can find all further information about the training cooperation with Deutsche Bahn here.

We welcome all trainees who are joining us this year to be part of the energy transition. Interested persons can also apply now for our training courses in the areas of office management, mechatronics and warehouse logistics next year here: Vocational training 

Our new mechatronics trainees in Viöl. © Deutsche Windtechnik AG

Trainees of Deutsche Windtechnik

Start of training for office management at Deutsche Windtechnik's headquarters in Bremen. © Deutsche Windtechnik AG

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