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It's about to get dark – with Deutsche Windtechnik's offshore ADLS

Our ADLS solution works independently of the turbine technology. Our engineering experts can integrate our ADLS into your wind farm smoothly and in compliance with the legal requirements. We also have detailed knowledge of the maritime navigation, monitoring, communication and reporting systems already installed in your project.

Leverage our expertise for your ADLS project: Deutsche Windtechnik has equipped the world's first offshore wind farm, Nordergründe, with a fully functional, officially approved Aircraft Detection Light System. The advantage of experience makes us a reliable partner for your project.

The advantages of our ADLS solution:

  • Turnkey solution from a single source
  • Independent from the system technology
  • Type-tested and ISO-certified in-house development
  • Fulfils the requirements of  German AVV for the identification of aviation obstacles and the standard for offshore aviation (SOLF)
  • Reliable operation (normal mode is initiated in case of failure) and maintenance-free
  • We take care of approval procedures – also internationally
  • Installation by our own service technicians
  • Permanent contact person over the entire duration of the project

Inquire about ADLS now

Smooth process managed by a single service provider

Step by step to your offshore ADLS

World's first ADLS approval for offshore wind farm

Leverage our expertise for your ADLS project: Deutsche Windtechnik has equipped the world's first offshore wind farm, Nordergründe, with a fully functional, officially approved Aircraft Detection Light System. The advantage of experience makes us a reliable partner for your project.

Click here for the press release


Inquire about offshore ADLS without obligation

Your contact person

Niels Noordeloos
Business Development Manager

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Niels Noordeloos
Business Development Manager

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