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General inquiries

We look forward to hearing from you!

Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

Groenewoudsedijk 40
3528 BK Utrecht

+31 850 22 00 76

Contact persons



Find the right contact person for your request!

Do you have a question or need information on a specific topic related to the maintenance of wind turbines? Choose the corresponding specialist area from the list of services and find the right contact person.

Corporate Communications/PR

Jonas Gottwald
Director of Global Spare Parts Sales

Corporate Communications / Events and fairs

Vivienne Rojahn
Corporate Communications / Events and fairs

Maria Yaiza Stüven Sanchez
Sales Advisor Training Center

Yvonne Daxenberger
Training Coordinator

Stephanitorsbollwerk 1 (Haus LEE)

Hendrik Böschen
General Manager

Geert Timmers
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

Niels Noordeloos
Business Development Manager

Corporate Communications/PR
Corporate Communications / Events and fairs

Vivienne Rojahn
Corporate Communications / Events and fairs

Hendrik Böschen
General Manager

Sebastian Guse
Senior O&M Strategy Consultant
(German/English speaking)

Marius Schichte
Department Manager Spare Parts Sales

Contact persons at the headquarters



Our locations and contact information worldwide

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