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If we equip your wind farm with our complete solution, we operate a central transponder receiver at the wind farm and take responsibility for it. Each of the connected wind turbines is fitted with an ADLS Box that controls the corresponding night-time marking system. Communication within the overall system is implemented using Deutsche Windtechnik's local radio solution, making it independent of existing infrastructure.
An ADLS Box is installed in the nacelle of each turbine involved. A transponder receiver is installed to cover the entire wind farm and operated by Deutsche Windtechnik.
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Does your wind farm already have one or more ADLS wind farm interfaces, for example from the manufacturer? In that case, the ADLS BOX does not need to be installed in every turbine, only at the ADLS interfaces. The ADLS Box communicates directly with the interface unit and receives its information from the transponder receiver installed centrally at the wind farm, which we operate and are responsible for. We can connect to all standard interfaces, such as those from Vestas, Quantec and Enercon.
Deutsche Windtechnik documents the functionality and the signal path to the wind farm interface (shown in colour). The hazard lighting is controlled and system-related data is documented via the ADLS interface at the wind farm (shown in grey).
At some installation locations it is possible to obtain the ADLS signal from a third-party system (e.g. Lanthan, Quantec, WuF or others). This is a viable option, for example, if your wind farm is close to another wind farm from which the ADLS signal can be obtained. If all of the requirements for this implementation are fulfilled, we can feed the signal from the third-party ADLS into our ADLS Boxes, distribute it within your wind farm and enable the night-time marking.
We feed the signal from the third-party ADLS into our ADLS Boxes, distribute it within the wind farm, enable the night-time marking and generate the system-related documentation and proof (shown in colour). The airspace monitoring events must be managed by the operator of the external ADLS (shown in gray).