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Aircraft Detection Light System (ADLS) for your wind turbines


The use of an Aircraft Detection Light System (ADLS for short) will become mandatory in Germany on 01/01/2025. In cooperation with f.u.n.k.e. Avionics GmbH, Deutsche Windtechnik has developed an independent transponder-based ADLS system. It was one of the first ADLS systems to be approved in accordance with the new guidelines of the General Administrative Rules for the Identification of Aircraft Obstructions (AVV marking) after type examination.
Our ADLS is available in configuration options that can be combined with one another. This enables us to offer you a solution that is tailored to your needs and ensures that your wind farm fulfils all ADLS requirements.

The advantages of our ADLS solution: 


  • A range of configuration options: complete solution, connection to existing interfaces or utilisation of third-party systems
  • Independent of the turbine technology
  • Our license agreements exclude claims by the patent owner
  • Coordinated procedure for carrying out a site-specific assessment
  • Support during the approval process 
  • Low technical risk through specialist multi-brand expertise that is at your disposal throughout the entire service life of the ADLS system


Your contact person

Geert Timmers
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Geert Timmers
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

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