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Maintenance, inspection, repair and improvements worldwide from a single source

We are Deutsche Windtechnik, a global provider of comprehensive service for all important wind turbine technologies. We work together with operators, plant managers, investors and many other partners to ensure that a wide variety of wind projects receive the service they need. Onshore and offshore Together, we design appropriate framework conditions for this work: basic contracts, risk-free full maintenance contracts or completely customised agreements. We help you to combine your business goals with a service concept that is tailored to your needs.


More about Deutsche Windtechnik

Our services

Services onshore and offshore

The diversity of our group of companies fosters a wide range of expertise and creates exciting synergy effects for your projects. Our competence centers enable us to offer comprehensive service for turbines spanning all technologies from A to Z. We can provide nearly any type of service, including system maintenance, the replacement of large components, tasks related to control and power electronics, service for substations and the implementation of technical assessments by our accredited inspection body.


Together, we can get the most out of your wind farm project with the right maintenance strategy. Let's go!


To reduce costs, we combine our activities and create lean processes for your offshore projects. Let's get going!

Training Center

We train occupational safety and system technology from different manufacturers under unique conditions. Find out more!


We have expertise in almost all system technologies, and in other areas as well.

In 2007 we signed our first maintenance contracts for Vestas and NEG Micon turbines. It's hard to believe that today we have service contracts for almost the entire spectrum of important system technologies. You can find out how many wind turbines and megawatts (MW) from different manufacturers we currently have under service contracts by hovering your mouse over them. A special reason to celebrate: 2024 we reached the 13-gigawatt mark.  

2.264 WTG
3.520 MW


1.372 WTG
2.796 MW


245 WTG
490 MW


1.090 WTG
2.423 MW


323 WTG
551 MW


75 WTG
106 MW


932 WTG
1.841 MW


443 WTG
672 MW


868 WTG
952 MW



Forward-looking jobs with excellent prospects for the future

Are you interested in a future-proof job in a global company? Whether you are a career changer, a beginner or an experienced professional, you will find a wide range of opportunities to develop professionally at our company, whether in service, engineering, research and development, quality assurance, sales or business administration. Find out more about the opportunities now!

To our career website


Always up to date!


Glimpse into the Deutsche Windtechnik Crontrol Centre
  • Press release
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik has reorganised parts of its company: Effective immediately all European units – with the exception of the German units – are united under the umbrella of the newly created company Deutsche Windtechnik Europe GmbH. This step will help to create even more long-term clarity and responsibility in the organisational structure of the increasingly international company.…

Service launch in Belgium with 15x Vestas V80
  • Press release


Deutsche Windtechnik has announced the establishment of its latest entity, Deutsche Windtechnik Belgium B.V. The move marks the…

  • Press release

The multi-stage drone system developed by the Deutsche Windtechnik Inspection Body for inspecting rotor blades and lightning protection systems has successfully passed…

Service technicians on a wind turbine
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik and Ventient Energy are further expanding their cooperation in the area of wind turbine service: Over the next three years, Deutsche Windtechnik will…

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Geert Timmers
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

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