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We generate part of our electricity on our roofs

Issues relating to climate protection and the energy transition also concern us directly at our company locations. How can we obtain or produce green electricity? Can we combine individual volatile energy sources and storage systems and be completely self-sufficient with renewable energies? How do we use green electricity most efficiently? These are questions that we needed to deal with at the individual Deutsche Windtechnik locations.

Our photovoltaic systems at other locations

Photovoltaics is a sensible and relatively easy-to-implement climate protection measure for us at our other locations in Germany as well. This is why we equipped two further locations with PV systems to cover our own electricity requirements in January 2019. Surplus energy is fed into the grid.

At the Viöl location, a 39.6 kWp system powers our Training Center. It has an annual production of over 40,000 kWh, and we consume around a quarter of the electricity ourselves, making our training and education operations a little bit greener. 

At the Ostenfeld location, the new solar power system with an installed capacity of 98.28 kWp delivers almost 86,000 kWh per year. Almost 75% of this energy is consumed directly at our company. In this case, the alignment of the system ensures the high own-consumption rate. All 349 modules are aligned in an east-west direction, making them ideal for the energy consumption profile of a commercial enterprise. 


 “Solar panels providing electricity and heat on the roofs of our Training Center in Viöl and at the company headquarters in Ostenfeld are good examples of sustainable self-sufficiency using green electricity. We also use it to operate the newly installed charging stations for our fleet of electric vehicles. I am very pleased that we now operate our offices in a climate-friendly manner. That is an important step in the right direction." 

Hauke Behrends, Managing Director of Deutsche Windtechnik Service

In 2020, we generated a total of 168,072 kWh of solar power at three locations, of which we consumed 95,435 kWh ourselves. This is a good start. 


Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Geert Timmers
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik B.V.

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