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Portrait of Holger Meents, Chief Financial Officer at Deutschen Windtechnik AG
  • Deutsche Windtechnik internal

Deutsche Windtechnik has expanded its management at Group level: In March 2024, Holger Meents was appointed to the Executive Board of Deutsche Windtechnik AG as Chief…

  • Interview
  • Service markets

Twenty years of Deutsche Windtechnik also means at least two decades of independent maintenance for wind turbines. What challenges has the service market faced during…

Jason Bailey and Lee Cannon donating a pallet load of first aid kits at Jacob's Well Appeal.
  • Deutsche Windtechnik internal

Deutsche Windtechnik Ltd., our UK onshore unit, has recently donated and pledged their future support to to Jacob's Well Appeal, a charity based in East Yorkshire, UK.…

Service technician conducting maintenance
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik Sweden is delighted to announce the signing of a full-maintenance contract with Wallenstam for 23 Vestas V90…

Group picture of the 2024 mechatronics apprenticeship cohort after completing their apprenticeship.
  • Press release
  • Campus

Great news for the next generation of service technicians at Deutsche Windtechnik. All eleven mechatronics apprentices have…

  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik and Meidensha Corporation closed a consulting contract to position Meidensha as Japan's leading Independent…

Service launch in Belgium with 15x Vestas V80
  • Press release


Deutsche Windtechnik has announced the establishment of its latest entity, Deutsche…

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DateOrganiserTitleStandStaff on site
Hamburg WindEnergy 2024Stand: A1/420

Staff on site: Colleagues of all Deutsche Windtechnik units

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Energy Taiwan 2024Stand: -

Staff on site: Colleagues of Deutsche Windtechnik Taiwan

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Offshore WINDPOWER 2024Stand: -

Staff on site: Colleagues of Deutsche Windtechnik USA

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Windenergietage Spreewind 2024Stand: 71

Staff on site:

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luftpost No. 3/2024

20 years Deutsche Windtechnik


luftpost No. 2/2024

Critical national infrastructure - Maximum security for our customers


luftpost No. 1/2024

Old is the new gold


luftpost No. 4/2023

"Deutsche Windtechnik Campus" has been launched


luftpost No. 3/2023

Two becomes one


luftpost No. 2/2023

Time is of the essence


luftpost No. 1/2023

Can we afford this?


luftpost No. 4/2022

Prices and inflation in the context of maintenance


luftpost No. 3/2022

Let's make wind energy stronger together

luftpost No. 2/2022

Have you already written off your old turbine?

luftpost No. 1/2022

Managing digital worlds today and tomorrow

luftpost No. 4/2021

Great diversity of service culture leads to high performance

luftpost No. 3/2021

How much engineering is in us?

luftpost Special

Special UK Offshore edition 2021

luftpost No. 2/2021

It`s getting dark

luftpost No. 1/2021

Welcome on Board!

luftpost No. 4/2020

More than 10 GW in independent turbine maintenance

luftpost No. 3/2020

A special kind of rope trick

luftpost No. 2/2020

Rising to the challenge, staying the course, achieving results

luftpost No. 1/2020

Growth in the service market - a source of pleasure or pain?

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