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Rotor blades have to withstand higher loads than almost any other component of the wind energy system. To reduce your costs and downtimes to a minimum, we use various platform technologies, rope access technologies and other alternatives for inspection and repair. Even severe damage can be repaired after disassembly in a tent directly at the wind turbine installation site or in a workshop.
Our main services include:
There are numerous situations during the service life of your wind turbine that require the rotor blades to be assessed by experts. We provide technical expert opinions that are prepared by our independent and accredited inspection body:
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The optimisation of the rotor blades can increase the yield because rotor imbalance and blade misalignment cause yield losses. They also cause important components, such as pitch drives, blade bearings or yaw systems, to wear out more quickly. This can even cause damage to the foundation. Some of the first signs of rotor-related faults include increased rotor noise, typical surface cracks on the rotor blades or triggering vibration monitoring units. We use targeted measuring technology to detect faults and initiate corrective measures. The techniques we use for analysing blade angles include laser-based processes (Dynamic Geometry Measurement DGM).