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Fast large component replacements without compromising safety and quality

Replacing one of the large components of your offshore wind turbine involves many different challenges. Our wealth of experience in offshore large component replacements involving different technologies enables us to effectively manage all wind farm-related requirements for you, connect and coordinate everyone involved, procure replacement components if necessary and generate complete documentation.

Carrying the work out quickly and minimising the downtime of your offshore wind turbine is a high priority for us. We carry out the replacement of large components on a project basis or as part of a proactive replacement campaign. We take over all warranties from planning to commissioning, offer you a secure calculation basis and act as a central point of contact.

Our main services include:

  • Maintenance, inspection, repairs, improvements
  • Monitoring, analysis, evaluation
  • Increased performance, increased availability, reduced wear and tear 
  • Documentation management as the basis for direct electricity marketing, feed-in management, and safety and quality management
  • Spare parts management

Would you like to find out more about large component replacement for offshore wind turbines or do you have a claim that we can help you with?


Get in touch

Guaranteed safe and fast implementation

Our contractual lead time for replacing large components is our guarantee that you can count on the job being carried out effectively and safely. Our reference projects in the North Sea also demonstrate that implementation is possible in less than the contractually agreed project duration. Conceptual planning is essential for this. We work in a future-oriented manner and use a well-coordinated team of specialists with expertise in a range of areas. Within a short period of time, we can also create a solid plan of action for unforeseen large component replacements, including spare parts management and putting the system back into operation. You can rely on our experience:

  • Numerous large component replacements on all common technologies
  • Flexibly available service vessels from our partners
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Deutsche Windtechnik's spare parts warehouse
  • Wide network of selected partners.

Human resources and materials from one primary source

We regularly train our staff in the areas of service, engineering, HSE and logistics, and this enables us to minimise the downtime of the turbine that is affected. When replacing large components, we use our own highly qualified employees to guarantee you the highest level of flexibility and service quality. Mobilisation can be achieved within a very short time using the Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) in the North Sea and Baltic Sea as well as Taiwan. The CTVs can be provided by the client or obtained from our network of partners. We are happy to use spare parts that the customer has stored in advance for this purpose to carry out the large component replacement. If such parts are not available, we rely on our central warehouse with approximately 20,000 available spare parts or utilise our long-term suppliers. 

Find out more about working as an offshore service technician from our employee Lukas Müller in our luftpost issue 03/2019 (page 4).

Your contact person

Rosie Beevor
Country Manager Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore Ltd.

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Rosie Beevor
Country Manager Deutsche Windtechnik Offshore Ltd.

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