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Unseburg wind farm: maximum operational and planning security

Unseburg wind farm

Deutsche Windtechnik ensures high yields in the long term

The Danish operator European Energy A/S is looking to operate the 18-megawatt wind farm in Unseburg (Saxony-Anhalt) for longer than the usual 20-year service life. The wind farm comprises nine Vestas V80 wind turbines and delivers an impressive yield of 36 million kilowatt hours a year. To increase the operational and planning security to the maximum, the company opted for an all-round carefree package from Deutsche Windtechnik.

In addition to 24/7 remote monitoring including error diagnosis, the service contract also covers regular maintenance work, upgrades, repairs, the replacement of large components and rotor blade maintenance. The contract runs until the 20th year of operation of the wind turbines and includes an extension option. An availability of at least 97 percent is guaranteed.

Competent support, high availability

"In addition to the competent consultation and Deutsche Windtechnik's qualified service teams, we were particularly impressed by the flexibility and direct communication during the drafting of the contracts as well as the reliability and attractive pricing," said Johannes von Dechend, Senior Project Manager at European Energy A/S. The company has been relying on services from Deutsche Windtechnik since 2011.

The cooperation up till now has also shown that the actual availability is significantly higher than the guaranteed minimum availability. "Thanks to the company's specialisation in various types of systems and its international presence, we also see potential for cooperation beyond national borders in the future."

The facts at a glance

Carrier: European Energy A/S

Start of the cooperation: 2013

Service: Full maintenance including major components and rotor blade service

Plant types: 9 Vestas V80 (each 2 MW power)

Total output: 18 MW

Expected return p.a.: 36 million kWh

Your contact person - we look forward to hearing from you!

Christina de Vries
Managing Director Deutsche Windtechnik Ltd.

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