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Deutsche Windtechnik partners with Nippon Steel Engineering to launch O&M Business jointly for Offshore Wind Power Facilities in Japan

--- Mandarin below ---
Deutsche Windtechnik Co. Ltd. and Nippon Steel Engineering Co. Ltd. have reached an agreement to jointly launch a Memorandum of Partnership for Offshore Wind Farm Operation & Maintenance Service in Japan.

With this agreement, Nippon Steel Engineering Co. Ltd. and Deutsche Windtechnik will be able to provide competitive and comprehensive O&M services for offshore wind farms in the country by integrating Deutsche Windtechnik’s offshore wind farm O&M technology and know-how, with NSE’s own EPCI business experiences for large-scale offshore steel structures and its own O&M expertise for various power plants.

Read the full press release published by NSE here:

Website Nippon Steel


德唯特集團(Deutsche Windtechnik Co. Ltd.)與日商日鐵技術股份有限公司(Nippon Steel Engineering Co. Ltd.)雙方簽定合作備忘錄(MoU),將於日本提供離岸風電運維及維護統包服務

透過此次協議,德唯特集團與日鐵技術將整合雙方在大型鋼構統包( EPCI) 與各類型電廠的運維經驗,以及離岸風場運維技術與知識,以一條龍的方式提供日本市場最具競爭力的運維服務;並將持續在離岸風電領域耕耘,擴展再生能源的使用,為實現碳中和的目標做出貢獻。


Wind Taiwan Website


Vivienne Rojahn
Corporate Communications / Events and fairs

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