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We are aware of the human responsibility to preserve the planet for future generations. Reducing climate-damaging emissions is our most important goal. This goal is essential because our work requires a high degree of mobility and logistics.
Deutsche Windtechnik prepares a climate balance sheet for Scope 1 and Scope 2, as well as selected Scope 3 areas in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. In 2021, we emitted 5.3 tonnes of CO2 per employee (in Scope 1 and Scope 2). Tracking these areas is only the beginning: In the coming years, we will continuously expand the Scope 3 area and develop an increasingly detailed and realistic picture of our environmental impact . At the same time, we are working on a continuous reduction in energy and mobility, making us more sustainable every year in our highly logistical field of work.
Goal: Reduce company-wide CO2 emissions by 5% annually
We do our best to balance our installed wind turbines and photovoltaic systems by continuously producing more green electricity than we consume. However, many essential industries only act as consumers of electricity. We expect the electricity demand to rise sharply worldwide and are confident that the electrical energy age will replace fossil fuels. Our goal is to save as much energy as possible, and we want to obtain 100 percent of the energy we require from renewable sources.
In 2021, 12% of all KWh consumed by Deutsche Windtechnik worldwide was from renewable energy sources. We will increase this value to 100% by 2025.
More about energy production at our locations
Goal: Convert all conventional electricity supply contracts for existing properties to green electricity by 2025
Global species extinction has reached dramatic proportions. According to the WWF, more than two-thirds of all larger animals worldwide have disappeared over the last 50 years. We want to contribute through targeted campaigns like planting virgin forests, which contributes to more biodiversity to stop this development. In 2022, we planted 300 trees in a reforestation project with the Plant-My-Tree Foundation in Itzehoe, Germany.
Goal: Annual implementation of at least one measure that contributes to the preservation of local biodiversity (worldwide)
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown us we can manage with fewer business trips. And we will continue to avoid unnecessary travel in the future by hosting meetings via video conference whenever possible. Our travel policy has reduced air travel to a minimum.
Additionally, we increasingly use resource-saving vehicles by turning to climate-friendly transport like hydrogen, hybrid, and electric vehicles. In 2021, we added 27 electric vehicles to our fleet, offering charging stations at most locations.
We are expanding with further initiatives like attractive leasing options for e-bikes. We will continue to change our mobility to become more environmentally friendly.
Every year, Deutsche Windtechnik repairs thousands of products and components for wind turbines. Mechanical and electrical components are refurbished in special workshops at our locations in Ostenfeld, Eggebeck and Osnabrück, Germany. The lack of supply due to the manufacturer discontinuing these essential components was the key driver of establishing the refurbishment workshops. However, implementing this type of recycling by using refurbished replacement parts enables us to prevent unnecessary waste and production of emissions. This initiative is both sustainable for the environment and our EBITDA.
Goal: Increase in the proportion of repaired or overhauled spare parts for wind turbines