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Report a compliance incident

You can use this form to contact the Deutsche Windtechnik AG Whistleblowing Officer directly. The report can be submitted anonymously. Please bear in mind that it is not possible for us to contact you if you make an anonymous submission without your e-mail address. Even if you provide your name/email address, the incident that you report will still be treated absolutely confidentially.

[US] Deutsche Windtechnik AG - Whistleblowing Kontakt

Whistleblowing Contact
You can use this form to contact the Deutsche Windtechnik AG Whistleblowing Officer directly. The report can be submitted anonymously. Please bear in mind that it is not possible for us to contact you if you make an anonymous submission without your e-mail address. Even if you provide your name/email address, the incident that you report will still be treated absolutely confidentially.
Without providing an email address, we will not be able to contact you and inform you of the action taken on your request.
Please indicate the country of the incident here.
Please select the corresponding unit of Deutsche Windtechnik.
Briefly summarised: What is your report about?
Please describe the incident in as much detail as possible. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not provide any personal information such as your name or your relationship to the parties involved. Also, do not provide any information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your person.
Here you can add a file to the description of the incident. Note: Files may contain hidden personal information (metadata) that can compromise your anonymity. Remove this information before sending.
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