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  • Deutsche Windtechnik internal
  • Campus

Since 2022, Hanna Philippine Dudda has been a key part of Deutsche Windtechnik, leading the development of the Deutsche Windtechnik Campus. As the head of this division,…

During evacuation training, a service technician rappelled down from a Vestas V90.
  • Deutsche Windtechnik internal

Since this September, Deutsche Windtechnik Poland has had the unique opportunity to conduct its annual emergency evacuation training on-site under real conditions. Thanks…

Deutsche Windtechnik Service technicians work in a nacelle of an AN Bonus
  • Deutsche Windtechnik internal

Deutsche Windtechnik’s flexibility and consultative approach has secured it yet another contract for wind turbine maintenance in the UK: Starting from 1st April 2024,…

At Deutsche Windtechnik's new training centre in Bissendorf, training takes place on original turbines, here on the Nordex N90 turbine.  © Deutsche Windtechnik AG
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik is expanding its Training Center: A new location in Bissendorf near the German city Osnabrück will be…

Glimpse into the Deutsche Windtechnik Crontrol Centre
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik has reorganised parts of its company: Effective immediately all European units – with the exception of the…

Service technician conducting maintenance
  • Press release

Deutsche Windtechnik Sweden is delighted to announce the signing of a full-maintenance contract with Wallenstam for 23 Vestas V90…

Group picture of the 2024 mechatronics apprenticeship cohort after completing their apprenticeship.
  • Press release
  • Campus

Great news for the next generation of service technicians at Deutsche Windtechnik. All eleven mechatronics apprentices have…

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As a #ServiceTechnician at Deutsche Windtechnik!

A #family atmosphere, changing job sites and breathtaking #views – this is how Dan, our #Service Technician from the UK, ...

Erlebe die #Windenergieanlage hautnah – Aktionstage der Deutschen Windtechnik!

Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wie eine Windkraftanlage funktioniert? Willst du…

Evakuierungstraining aus einer #Windenergieanlage

Wie kommt man eigentlich im Notfall von einer Windenergieanlage herunter? Genau das…

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luftpost No. 3/2024

20 years Deutsche Windtechnik


luftpost No. 2/2024

Critical national infrastructure - Maximum security for our customers


luftpost No. 1/2024

Old is the new gold


luftpost No. 4/2023

"Deutsche Windtechnik Campus" has been launched


luftpost No. 3/2023

Two becomes one


luftpost No. 2/2023

Time is of the essence


luftpost No. 1/2023

Can we afford this?


luftpost No. 4/2022

Prices and inflation in the context of maintenance


luftpost No. 3/2022

Let's make wind energy stronger together

luftpost No. 2/2022

Have you already written off your old turbine?

luftpost No. 1/2022

Managing digital worlds today and tomorrow

luftpost No. 4/2021

Great diversity of service culture leads to high performance

luftpost No. 3/2021

How much engineering is in us?

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Special UK Offshore edition 2021

luftpost No. 2/2021

It`s getting dark

luftpost No. 1/2021

Welcome on Board!

luftpost No. 4/2020

More than 10 GW in independent turbine maintenance

luftpost No. 3/2020

A special kind of rope trick

luftpost No. 2/2020

Rising to the challenge, staying the course, achieving results

luftpost No. 1/2020

Growth in the service market - a source of pleasure or pain?

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